The promise is not only of a teacher but of an advocate

Sixth Sunday of Easter
Jn 14:15 - 21
Contract working rather than permanent employment is becoming a more noticeable feature in our society. The economic climate dictates that the talented and the healthy are paid above the going rate as long as they are highly productive and, after that, even they are discarded.
Investors move their capital to maximize their dividends without regard for the long-serving employees or future job prospects. In sport, the top stars move to the highest bidder with little thought for club or supporters. Loyalty seems to bring little reward and permanence in any relationship is represented as inhibiting full development.
It is an insidiously destructive trend which undermines the unique preciousness of each person. In many spheres, the ethos is to live for today and to shirk the pain involved in the long haul.
Yet, following Christ is a lifelong decisions but even heroically generous young folk wonder whether such a long-term commitment is worthwhile or possible. Can happiness and fulfillment be found in dedicating one's whole life to permanent marriage, to loving God and serving others?
True, we fail on occasions to live up to our ideals and many suggest that because of such failures, the vision is unsustainable. But we are loved by a forgiving God who in today's gospel promises us his Spirit who teaches that happiness is reached through keeping his commandments of committed love.
The promise is not only of a teacher but of an advocate, an enabler, one who will live within us as we journey towards the goal.
(Commentary by Tom Clancy. Taken from "Preaching the Word", Columba)
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