The resurrection of Christ is not something that happened once upon a time
The resurrection of Christ is not
something that happened once upon
a time. It is the Light that shines in
the darkness; it is the victory of gratitude
and love, grounded in faithfulness.
It is living each moment of our
daily lives mindful of the presence of
Jesus, “fi rm and immovable, always
abounding in energy for the Lord’s
work, being sure that in the Lord
none of [our] labors is wasted.”
Brian J. Pierce is a Dominican friar who
worked in Latin America for many years.
We keep Easter, just as the fi fth-century
saint John Chrysostom enjoined
us: “Come you all: Enter into the joy
of our Lord. You the fi rst and you the
last, receive alike your reward; you
rich and you poor, dance together; you
sober and you weaklings, celebrate
the day; you who have kept the fast
and you who have not, rejoice today.
The table is richly loaded: enjoy its
royal banquet. The calf is a fatted
one: let no one go away hungry. All
of you enjoy the banquet of faith;
all of you receive the riches of his
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Melissa Musick Nussbaum lives in Colorado
Springs, Colo. Her e-mail address is
In CELEBRATION Publications
March/April 2008
something that happened once upon
a time. It is the Light that shines in
the darkness; it is the victory of gratitude
and love, grounded in faithfulness.
It is living each moment of our
daily lives mindful of the presence of
Jesus, “fi rm and immovable, always
abounding in energy for the Lord’s
work, being sure that in the Lord
none of [our] labors is wasted.”
Brian J. Pierce is a Dominican friar who
worked in Latin America for many years.
We keep Easter, just as the fi fth-century
saint John Chrysostom enjoined
us: “Come you all: Enter into the joy
of our Lord. You the fi rst and you the
last, receive alike your reward; you
rich and you poor, dance together; you
sober and you weaklings, celebrate
the day; you who have kept the fast
and you who have not, rejoice today.
The table is richly loaded: enjoy its
royal banquet. The calf is a fatted
one: let no one go away hungry. All
of you enjoy the banquet of faith;
all of you receive the riches of his
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Melissa Musick Nussbaum lives in Colorado
Springs, Colo. Her e-mail address is
In CELEBRATION Publications
March/April 2008